15.3 inch Flavor Bars Porcelain-Enameled Flavorizer Bars, Heat Plate Replacement for Weber Spirit 200 Series (2 Burners) Spirit E210, S210, E220, S220 with Front Control Knobs, 7635


  • Kindly compare with the SIZE and MODEL of your original parts before purchasing Each bar measures 15.3″ L x 3.5″ W x 2.5″ H, Material: 16GA porcelain-enameled steel
  • Repair Parts for Weber 7635 and Weber Spirit 200 Series Gas Grills: Spirit (2 Burners) E-210, S-210, E-220, S-220 (Model Years 2013-2017) with front-mounted control panels
  • Package include set of 3 flavor bars ; Aftermarket Replacements, Not Weber Original Parts
  • 16GA – Heavy Duty, High Quality, Packed in a good condition and protect the edge in transit. Evenly radiated heat from burner tubes to cooking grates.
  • To Extend the life of your grill –  Make sure to clean your grill parts before using.  Try to get as much liquid off as possible before placing the food on the grill and if using a BBQ sauce, wait until the last 5-10 minutes of grilling before applying it to your food.  Using excessive marinade and applying BBQ sauce too early in the grilling process can result in the sugar burning causing a dark color.  When not used for a long time, heavily coat it in cooking oil, wrap it in a plastic bag.


Hisencn 15.3 inch Flavor Bars Porcelain-Enameled Flavorizer Bars, Heat Plate Replacement for Weber Spirit 200 Series (2 Burners) Spirit E210, S210, E220, S220 with Front Control Knobs, 7635.