BBQ Grill Grease Cup for Uniflame, Better Home and Garden and Backyard Grill Models


  • Replacement Grease cup or Bbq grills
  • Fits BH13-101-099-01, GBC1362W, BH14-101-099-01, GBC1462W, BY13-101-001-12 , GBC1349W, BY14-101-001-02, GBC1440W, BY14-101-001-99, GBC1440WRS, GBC1449W and other gas grill models
  • Dimensions: 6 3/4 inches by 4/18 inches as shown in listing pictures
  • Please measure required dimensions for your grill before ordering.


BBQ Grill Grease Cup for Uniflame, Better Home and Garden and Backyard Grill Models.