Cooking Grate for Charbroil 463420508, 463420509, 463420511, 463436213, 463436214, 463436215, 463440109, 463441312, 463441514, 463461613 & Thermos 461442114 Gas Grill Replacement Parts


  • ★ Material & Package include: Matte Porcelain Coated Cast Iron Grates x3; ★ Dimension: 16-7/8″ x 9-5/16″ for each unit, 16-7/8″ x 27-15/16″ for 3 units
  • ★ Fits Original Part Numbers: 80008076, 80018559, G432-001N-W1
  • ★ Fits Backyard Classic: BY14-101-001-02; ★ Kenmore: 463420507; ★ Master Chef: G43205; ★ Master Chef: 85-3100-2, 85-3101-0, T480; ★ Thermos: 461442114
  • ★ Fits Charbroil: 463420507, 463434314, 463460708, 463420508, 463440109, 463420510, 463420509, 463460710, 463420512, 463420511, 466420911, 463441412, 466420909, 463436215, 463439915, 463441514, 463461614, 4362436214, 463436213, 463436214, 463436413, 463440109B, 463441312, 463441512, 463441513, C-45G3CB, 463461613, 461442114
  • 【HOW TO AVOID RUST?】(1) Make sure that you scrape your grates after each use; (2) Season them by brushing with oil after each use; (3) Leave the dampers open a bit so that condensation does not collect in the grill; (4) Put the lid back on your grill when it is not in use; (5) Cover the grill when it is not in use; (6) If you need to store your grill for a long period of time, heavily coat them in cooking oil, wrap them in a plastic bag and store in your covered grill.


Uniflasy Cooking Grate for Charbroil 463420508, 463420509, 463420511, 463436213, 463436214, 463436215, 463440109, 463441312, 463441514, 463461613 & Thermos 461442114 Gas Grill Replacement Parts.