Gloss Cast Iron Replacement Cooking Grid for Kenmore, Hamilton Beach 84131, 84131C, Vermont Castings CF9030, Grand Cafe GC1000 and Ellipse 2000LP Gas Grill Models, Set of 2


  • Fits Ellipse Models: 2000LP, 2000NG, 2001LP, 2001NG, 22103, 2104, 2105, 2107, 2108, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103 , Fits Grand Cafe: GC1000, GC2000, GC2001, GC3001 , Fits Hamilton Beach: 84131, 84131 C; Fits Vermont Castings Models: CF9030, CF9030LP, Sizzler, Sizzler Built-In, VC3505, VCS3006, VCS3505, VCS3505BI, VCS3506, VM400, VM400XBP, VM406, VC30, VM400XBPC
  • Fits Kenmore Models: 141.152270, 141.152271, 141.15337, 141.153371, 141.153372, 141.153373, 141.15401, 141.155400, 141.155401, 141.156400, 141.157900, 141.157901, 141.157902, 141.157940, 141.157941, 141.157950, 141.157951, 141.157980, 141.157981, 141.157990, 141.157991, 141.165400, 141.166400, 141.16681, 141.16690, 141.166901, 141.16691, 141.168600, 141.17227, 141.17337, 141.173371, 141.173372, 141.173373, 141.173379, 141.176400, 141.17680, 141.176801, 141.17681,
  • 141.17690, 141.176901, 141.17691, 141.17860, 146.23673310, 151.157951, 15227, 152271, 15337, 153371, 153372, 153373, 15401, 1554, 155400, 155401, 156400, 157900, 157901, 157902, 157940, 157941, 157950, 157951, 157980, 157981, 157990, 157991, 165400, 166400, 16681, 1669, 166901, 16691, 168600, 17227, 17337, 173372, 173379, 176400, 1768, 176801, 17681, 1769, 176901, 17691, 17860, 640-05057345-0, 141.17860
  • Fits ProChef Models: 34402, 34402B, 34602, 34604, 37602, 38402, 38402B, 4402, 4402, HOMESTEAD, 4604, 4704, 4704B, 4705, 4705B, 5025, 5025B, 5025PI, 5123BPI, 5125B, 5125BPI, 523B, 525, 525B, 525B 25 Inch, 5525, 5525-B, 5525-PI, 5625, 5625B-PL, 5625BPL, 6025, 6025B, 6025B-SS, 6025BSS, 6123-B, 6125, 6125-B, 625, 625B, 6625, 6625B, 6925, 6925B, 7604, 7704, 7704B, 7705, 7705B, 8025, 8025B, 8025B-SS, 8025BSS, 8123-B, 8125, 8125-B, 825, 825B, 8402, 8825, 8825B, 8925B Homestead
  • Dimensions : 16-1/2″ x 11-3/8″ Each, 16-1/2″ x 22-3/4″ Total , Material : Gloss Cast Iron , Compatible Part Numbers: P01615027E, P1605D, P1645B, P1605C, 50001314,50000771, 68252 , We highly suggest measuring your original parts and Compare to what we have listed before ordering.


Gloss Cast Iron Replacement Cooking Grid for Kenmore, Hamilton Beach 84131, 84131C, Vermont Castings CF9030, Grand Cafe GC1000 and Ellipse 2000LP Gas Grill Models, Set of 2.