Set of Five Stainless Steel Grill Burners for Costco Kirkland, Charmglow, Nexgrill, Perfect Glo and Other Grills


Fits Costco Kirkland Models : Kirkland Signature 720-0193, Kirkland Signature 720-0289, Kirkland Signature Classic Pedestal 720-0038-04U Kirkland Signature Classic Pedestal 720-0038, Pro Series 720-0033, The Classic 720-0083-04R, Kirkland Signature Classic Pedestal 720-0038, 7200193, 7200289, 720003804U, 7200038, 7200033, 720008304R, 7200038
Fits Charmglow Models : 720-0036-HD, 720-0036-HD-05, 72-0036HD, 720-0230, 720-0234, 720-0304, 7200036-HD, 7200036HD05, 720036HD, 7200230, 7200234, 7200304. Fits Costco Part Numbers: BBQ 49008, BBQ 49008; Nexgrill Part Numbers: BBQ49008, BBQ 49008; Sterling Forge Models : 720-0016, courtyard 720-0016, 7200016
Fits Nexgrill Models : 720-0016-05, 720-0018, 720-0025, 720-0033, 720-0036, 720-0036-HD, 720-0036-HD-05, 720-0038-044, 720-0074, 720-0078, 720-0083, 720-0083-04-R, 720-0103 720-0105, 720-0125, 720-125-FM, 720-0140, 720-0193, 720-0230, 720-0230-06, 720-0234, 720-0304,720001605, 7200018, 7200025, 7200033, 7200036, 7200036HD, 7200036HD05, 7200038044, 7200074, 7200078, 7200083, 720008304R, 7200103 7200105, 7200125, 720125FM, 7200140, 7200193, 7200230, 720023006, 7200234, 7200304
Also Fits Perfect Glo Models : PG-50401S, PG40200, PG40300, PG40400S, PG50400S, PG50401S, PG50403SQL, PG50403SRL, PG50401S, PG-40200, PG-40300, PG-40400S, PG-50400S, PG-50401S, PG-50403SQL, PG-50403SRL; Permasteel Models: PG-50400-S, PG-50401-S, PG-50404-SOL, PG-50410-S, PG-50410-SOLB, PG-50506-SRLA, PG-50506-SRLSC
Burner Dimensions: Diameter: 1 inch. Adjustable length: 14.75 inch to 17.5 inch. Original good quality Brinkmann Parts. All required mounting hardware is included



Set of Five Stainless Steel Grill Burners for Costco Kirkland, Charmglow, Nexgrill, Perfect Glo and Other Grills