Hyco Universal Straight Stainless Steel Pipe Burner Replacement, hy10361 (4-pack)
Enter your model number to make sure this fits.
Fits Charmglow Models : 720-0036-HD, 720-0036-HD-05, 72-0036HD, 720-0230, 720-0234, 720-0304, 7200036-HD, 7200036HD05, 720036HD, 7200230, 7200234, 7200304
Fits Costco Kirkland Models : Kirkland Signature 720-0193, Kirkland Signature 720-0289, Kirkland Signature Classic Pedestal 720-0038-04U Kirkland Signature Classic Pedestal 720-0038, Pro Series 720-0033, The Classic 720-0083-04R, Kirkland Signature Classic Pedestal 720-0038, 7200193, 7200289, 720003804U, 7200038, 7200033, 720008304R, 7200038
Fits Nexgrill Models : 720-0016-05, 720-0018, 720-0025, 720-0033, 720-0036, 720-0036-HD, 720-0036-HD-05, 720-0038-044, 720-0074, 720-0078, 720-0083, 720-0083-04-R, 720-0103 720-0105, 720-0125, 720-125-FM, 720-0140, 720-0193, 720-0230, 720-0230-06, 720-0234, 720-0304,720001605, 7200018, 7200025, 7200033, 7200036, 7200036HD, 7200036HD05, 7200038044, 7200074, 7200078, 7200083, 720008304R, 7200103 7200105, 7200125, 720125FM, 7200140, 7200193, 7200230, 720023006, 7200234, 7200304
Fits Perfect Glo Models : PG-50401S, PG40200, PG40300, PG40400S, PG50400S, PG50401S, PG50403SQL, PG50403SRL, PG50401S, PG-40200, PG-40300, PG-50400S, PG-50401S, PG-50403SQL, PG-50403SRL
Fits Sterling Forge Models : 720-0016, courtyard 720-0016, 7200016, 7200016
Hyco Universal Straight Stainless Steel Pipe Burner Replacement, hy10361 (4-pack)
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